E9X dash cam how to

This is a brief how to on installing the E9X dash cam from amazon

Content of the box E9X Dash cam below:

Step 1: Remove light and control panel:
Step 2: It's worth removing the sun visor clip holder to lower the head lining a bit for access:

Step 3: Connect the new cable to the existing cables connector, and plug in the end to the light/control unit 
This will leave the cable and connector which goes in the dash cam unit.

Step 4: I'd advise testing the dash cam powers on etc before the next steps of removing the unit that houses the rain/light sensor!
Step 5: Remove the surround from the light/rain sensor
Step 6: I pulled the cables through to ensure they all went through the rubber grommet WARNING this bit IS annoying and takes time and patience
Step 7: Refit the control/light unit
Step 8: Fully installed E9X dash cam It then a case of carefully clipping in the connector to the dash cam and fit it in place of the old surround. GO CAREFUL as the clips are fragile and the cables can get in the way too:
Step 9: Once connected you just need to download the software and insert and SD card:

Shot of software:

This is an affiliate link, this means that I get a tiny percentage for making you aware of this product.
In no way does this affect the quality or standard of the product.

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